Experience and know-how which pays off.
At peak times, in case of sickness, pregnancy and holiday or any time when employees are required at short notice, we not only help out with personnel, but with optimally trained staff: committed, experienced and security-tested.
You save time and personnel costs, for example when recruiting. Profit in particular from our airport competence, using which we select the staff assigned to you. Utilise Airport Staff as a flexible employee reserve, and make your fixed costs variable.
In case you decide to employ your new member of staff at your company, you no longer have to rely on work and education documentation, but rather have been able to get to know your new support fully whilst they are working in their actual job in real conditions. From now on, new employees will always be lucky finds!
Overview of services:
‣ Flexible employee reserve with take-over option
‣ Work Contract, Employee with AS
‣ Socially responsible remuneration
‣ Short-notice personnel solutions in case of peak times, sickness, pregnancy or holiday representation
‣ Replace fixed costs through application-related costs